
March 15, 2007

We’ve been fighting with our Internet service provider since last week, and we’re no closer to having our problems fixed than we were then. M is nice enough to be making all the calls, and I can’t imagine how he has had the patience to deal with this. We have an unusual situation; we have a business cable Internet service at our residential home. M’s job depends on him having Internet service any time of day, even if he is at home, so they pay for our Internet and pay to have it upgraded to a business line. Theoretically, that means we have a faster connection, a more reliable connection, and better and more prompt service. Right now, that’s a no to all three.

When M calls to let them know we’re having problems, he gets the runaround. The customer service people have refused to give us the correct number to call since they refuse to help a business line customer either. They have given us the wrong number as well, instead directing us to a pay-per-use service.

Once M got in touch with the right people, they promised they’d send someone out right away. Three days and several calls later, they finally send that person out. M had to miss work to come home and let them in, as I was too sick to get up at the time. He told them what he thought the problem was and advised them to come equipped with an extra modem to trade with the one we already had. The technician instead messed with the stuff M had done, effectively reducing both our Internet signal and cable TV signal. He also didn’t have even a test modem with him. He had to leave last night to find a tester, finally determined M must be right, and left again. He didn’t have a replacement with him, so he assured us someone would be out today to trade out the modems.

I get wakened early this morning (already not a good thing) by my phone. M was calling to let me know the guy would be there in about five minutes. Even the thought of sitting up nearly made me puke, so I told him I really could not let him in right then. M had to come home from work again to deal with a technician. At least this one had a replacement modem. Unfortunately, it turned out that wasn’t the problem. We still barely have Internet right now, and our cable TV is still iffy. Someone different will have to come by later to check something different. This is turning into the never-ending problem!

To make matters worse, when the technician got here this morning, he made enough noise to wake PJ up, messing up his schedule for the whole day. PJ’s been fussy for no apparent reason, and I can’t even get him to sleep a good nap because he’s so over-tired. I’m still sick because I was awakened early and suddenly, and I can’t handle a screaming kid quite as well when I’m curled up on the couch trying not to puke. This has not been a good day, and I can’t wait until M comes home, as long as he will rescue me when he gets here.

Happy Pi Day

March 15, 2007

Am I the only nerd who finds some intense satisfaction that today was Pi Day? I would love to have a birthday today. How cool would that be? (By the way, for non-math-nerds, pi is approximately 3.14. Today is 3/14. Got it now?)

On a totally different note, I picked tonight’s American Idol results to a t. I’m intensely proud of myself. I should have gone out on that limb and posted my predictions. I not only picked Brandon to go, but even guessed the bottom three. PJ made me laugh during the show, too. He couldn’t take his eyes off Diana Ross. Should that worry me at all? By the way, at least for today, he was every bit as talkative and eager to stand alone as the last few days with Nana here. I feel a little better about that than I did this morning.